今天分享一道关于macro section的essay question,适用于AS以及A2的essay准备
Discuss the effectiveness of supply side and fiscal policies to correct deficitson a country’s current account of the Balance of Payments (12)
(此题的写作思路普遍适合discuss policies’effectiveness of solving economic problems之类的题目)
1. 处理知识点,此处知识点为what is the currenct account deficit of the balance of payment (关于supply side 和fiscal policies 可以放在文章中分析的时候处理)
a. 分析supply side policis 是怎么样减少deficit的整个过程
—-然后对于supply side policis 就他的effectiveness of correcting current account defic it做一个evaluation
b.分析 fiscal policies 是怎么样减少deficit的整个过程
—然后对于fiscal policies就他的effectiveness of correcting current account defic it做一个evaluation (关于怎么去evaluate policies 具体请看写好discuss 这种essay question必杀技之“贱招拆招”)
3.conclusion:给出一个critical 的conclusion比较重要,而不是单纯地总结你在上面写了什么,一般我们会保留1-2分给conclusion部分
A current account deficitmeans the country imports a greater value of goods and services than itexports. To reduce a current account deficit we need to either increase thevalue of exports and or reduce imports.
第二段开始介绍不同的supply side policies是怎么解决deficit, 第一个是关于提高productivity的方法
Supply side policies aimto increase the productivity of the economy. If the manufacturing sectorbecomes more productive, the relative cost of British goods will fall andtherefore they will become more competitive. This will help increase exports andreduce the current account deficit. For example, the government could increase spendingon education and training. Vocational training schemes may help increase labourproductivity because workers will have more skills. A more productive workforcecan improve the competitiveness of UK exports.
第三段介绍了第二种supply side policy,deregulation of market,也就是让market的干扰因素少一些
Alternatively, the Governmentcould introduce a free market supply side policy such as reducing the power oftrades unions. If unions are powerful, productivity may be lower due to frequentstrikes and disruptive working practises such as working to rule. If union poweris reduced it helps reduce time lost to strikes, increases labour market flexibilityand therefore should help increase UK exports.
第四段介绍了supply side polic的第三种,增加labour的mobility,以便更好地利用labour,增加efficiency of using resource
A third supply side policycould be increasing labour mobility. The nature of the UK housing market meansthat it is often difficult for workers to move to areas where jobs areavailable. Greater provision of cheaper rented accommodation would make the labourmarket more flexible and help increase the competitiveness of firms.
第五六段是对于supply side policies的整体分析 (从时间的滞后性,从cost等角度展开)
The problem of supply side policies is that they will take time to have effect. For example, spending on education and training may take several years before the effects are noticed. Also, there is no guarantee that education spending may actually increase labourproductivity, especially if the money is misspent or the workers don’t want to learn.
Also in the UK, tradesunions are no longer very powerful, so this policy would only have limited impact. Also, some argue trades unions can actually help introduce new workingpractises and thereby increase productivity. Therefore reducing union power inthe UK would unlikely have any significant impact on improving the current accountdeficit.
第七段开始过渡到fiscal policies,就是通过调整government spending和taxation来减少import
Current account deficits often occur during times of economic growth and therefore high consumerspending on imports. Fiscal policy can be used to reduce consumer spending andtherefore reduce demand for imports. For example, higher income tax wouldreduce consumer’s disposable income and therefore reduce imports. In the UK, consumershave a high marginal propensity to import (people spend a high % of extra incomeon imports), therefore, a reduction in disposable income would have a big impactin reducing import spending.Deflationary fiscal policy would also reduce inflation and thereby help to make UK goods more competitive.
第八段是对于fiscal policies的evaluation,主要分析了这类policies会引发的objective conflicts
However, the problem with using fiscal policy is that it will conflict with other macroeconomicobjectives. Higher taxes will reduce growth and could cause unemployment.Furthermore, unemployment and growth are considered more important than the current account deficit. Also fiscal policy doesn’t address the fundamental underlying problem, which
is a lack of competitiveness. This needs to be addressed through supply side policies.
最后一段是一个比较critical 的conclusion,没有单纯的repeat 上面的点哦。
It also depends on thetype of current account deficit. If the deficit is a persistent trade deficitdue to a lack of competitiveness then this needs supply side policies toincrease productivity. If the current account deficit is the result of aconsumer led economic boom, then fiscal policy can be effective in reducing theeconomic boom and reducing import spending.
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